Gabrielle and Mike’s Fillmore Glen Wedding

I’ve known Gabrielle since middle school. She’s one of the most laid back and least girly girls that I know. So when she asked me about taking some pictures for her wedding and only asked for about an hour of coverage…I felt like that was so fitting! She wanted me to capture just the ceremony and some portraits. I actually usually don’t do less than a full day on a Saturday in wedding season but since we have been friends for so long..I made an exception! Gabrielle and Mike have been together for a long time and they are really the perfect couple. They are both very laid back and have the same sense of humor. I loved watching them interact on their day knowing that they were going to spend the rest of their lives together. They both seemed so calm and happy; like they knew they were meant to be together. Gabrielle looked absolutely stunning especially since it’s a rare occasion to see her in a dress.

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